I thought I might start with our goats. Last month, November, we got a buck for our does. He’s a great little guy. I call him Willie. He is going to hang around for a few months here. He came in and did his manly duty right away, so I believe our 4 does are bred and will kid in early April. Did you know gestation for goats is about 150 days? That’s not long! But it will be perfect for us. Our pastures should be filling out again and the weather warming for the cute little kids! Being the first kidding for our does, we anticipate only one kid per goat, but the norm (after the first) is twins. We will quickly go from 4 to 8 and possibly as many as 12 once kidding begins.
A New Blog: Our farm life
OK, so here we go! A new endeavor for us, blogging. We hope, with this blog, to offer some information about our farm, what’s going on and what’s influencing what we do. Trying to keep up to date on the happenings at the farm isn’t too hard this time of year (December), but as spring approaches, I think things will get busier!
Can’t wait to meet Willie-Goat!
I use Akismet on my WordPress-based sites. It does a nice job.